Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The beginning- New year, new start

     After many years of starting projects willy-nilly, I think it's time to finish the most important of them and deal with the rest.  There will be pictures of progress and finishes.  I manage to take simple projects and make them bigger and bigger, until I have a hard time getting them done.  My ex bragged to me once, that he didn't have any unfinished projects.  I pointed out to him, that you have to start a project, to have an unfinished one.
     I've also let my weight get out of hand, these last 10 years.  It happened slowly, but surely.  After spending the first 40 years of my life skinny to slender, I was foolish to think I didn't have to diet or exercise to stay that way.  I purchased a 2-year gym membership and will be getting back on a diet this week.  I've decided to take my picture every week this year and I hope I'll have a 52-page fat to skinny flip book by the end of the year.
     I've been a cake decorator for 15 years.  If you have to work for a living, this beats most.  I work for a grocery store chain, so it's not fancy Cake Boss stuff.  I'm going to start taking pictures of the cakes I'm proudest of.
     My family, immediate and extended, is the joy of my life.  Everything really important in my life is tied to them.


  1. Good for you Molly! I'll try to check in here
    often to read your blog :-)

  2. What a good idea, Molly!
    Now I can know about you and your's.
    I absolutely agree that family is our greatest joy in life!
    Love you.......
    Your Auntie
